How to: Launching an App for Your Salon


HOB Salons has launched an App to make life easier for clients to interact and connect with the team – and boost business for the salon group. The HOB Salons App means clients can now manage and book their appointments, build up electronic loyalty rewards and view the latest offer. 

General Manager, Natasha Grossman, explains: “If there’s one thing Covid-19 has created, it’s most certainly that it’s bought the digital future forward. People have had to learn new ways in how they shop, work and even teach and creating digital platforms enables greater accessibility and productivity that results in overall performance, turnover and profit. We wanted to increase our number of online bookings, increase the level of accessibility to our clients and to connect and interact with them. We’re delighted with the response we have had from clients so far.”

So what do you need to consider to launch your app?

1 The most important thing to ask yourself is what is the objective – why are you launching an app? 

2 What is the investment – how much is this going to cost you?

3 What is the return on investment – is it worth your time and money?

4 What is the timeframe – it can take longer than you think so do you have time to focus on this? 

5 What does the app say to clients about your business? 

6 Consider what the benefits are to your clients – will it be easier for them to book appointments around their own schedule?

7 Be ready for a surge in online bookings when the app is launched. We’ve already seen a huge percentage increase because it’s so simple. 

8 Keep an eye on your analytics – we can measure how many people have downloaded the app, what time they are booking and the services they are looking at. We can then put together more effective marketing campaigns.