Bro-tox & Non-Surgical Masculinisation Treatments

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Traditionally speaking the beauty and cosmetics sector is not largely associated with men but in recent years we have seen a seismic shift in public attitudes and the male grooming industry has transformed. This has quickly extended into non-surgical aesthetics with filler and Botox treatments for men becoming ever more popular. No doubt, this change has come about for a number of reasons including a general acceptance and normalisation of treatments and increasingly competitive working environments in which men want to look and feel their best.

With responsible and ethical practice at the forefront of our minds, providing non-surgical procedures specifically designed for men can be greatly beneficial. An experienced practitioner can not only provide aesthetic enhancement and anti-aging solutions but also improve emotional wellbeing, with the focus being to enhance features rather than change identity, using fine-tuning techniques to achieve effective yet natural looking results. This new openness the modern man has to exploring aesthetics and skin care, means that men can now use these non-surgical procedures as tools to boost their self-confidence and happiness.

What can non-invasive cosmetics do for men?

Many men might not realise the vast range of treatment options on offer and the subtle enhancements that can be achieved. Gone are the days when dermal fillers and Botox meant big lips and an expressionless forehead. Aesthetics has advanced significantly and today it is an art form as practitioners use non-surgical techniques to tweak and beautify features, add definition and create alignment. For men this might mean restoring and improving signs of aging, contouring the face or enhancing aesthetic masculinity.

By taking a holistic approach to treatment we can consider the face as a whole, which is a really useful approach for men’s treatments because often clients don’t have a specific idea in mind – rather they generally want to look younger or more masculine. Further to this it is also important to take a comprehensive view on a patients’ treatment plan. Rather than just considering the treatment itself we would be looking at changes in lifestyle choices that may age or damage the skin such as smoking, sun exposure, drinking alcohol and dietary choices as well as discussing their skin care regime.

Treatments for Men - ‘Bro-tox’

Over time most men develop wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes. For instance a deep frown line is very common, often caused by years of computer use and continuous squinting. ‘Bro-tox’ (aka, Botox for men) can be used to smooth out these unwanted lines providing youthful, natural results. Masculinisation using dermal fillers.

Treating multiple areas for an overall more masculine appearance is something we have seen rising in popularity recently. There are certain features that are traditionally thought of as the height of masculinity such as a strong, chiselled jawline, a broad facial contour, prominent cheekbones and a well-defined chin. Of course, every client is unique and will require different areas to be treated. Some may opt for one or two specific procedure points while others may require a small amount of product to be injected into multiple areas of the face. A masculinisation treatment may include:

Jawline Enhancement

A perfect option when it comes to adding definition, structure and shape to the male face. Dermal filler can be used in specific points of the jaw to add volume and create definition, sculpting and enhancing the jawline and achieving a typically masculine shape.

Chin Filler

Lower face contours and strong chin definition are aesthetically important to a lot of men. Adding a little dermal filler to the chin is a way of accentuating this area, particularly useful for patients with a weak, proportionally unbalanced chin or those that suffer from a significant overbite. It also works wonderfully when combined with a jawline treatment. At my clinic, I usually use Juvederm VOLUX to achieve long-lasting definition across the lower face.

Cheek Filler

Enhancing the mid-face to add lift and structure to the cheekbones works excellently to instantly accentuate typically male contours and can also be used to bring balance to jaw and chin enhancements, harmonising overall facial proportions. I would typically use Juvederm VOLUMA for this area because of its elasticity and ability to effectively restore volume for a smooth, youthful appearance. Injecting product into the cheeks and temple area also has a brilliant way of creating overall lift, meaning it can actually also help improve the appearance of nasolabial folds (smile lines) without even needing to touch them.

Lip Enhancement

Many male clients also opt for a very subtle lip filler enhancement, using a small amount of product to slightly plump the lips, which often works very well to compliment male facial structure. Generally speaking 0.5ml of Juvederm VOLBELLA is just enough to achieve plumpness with natural looking results.

Other non-surgical treatments for men

Tear Trough filler

The stress of everyday life and effects of aging can lead to a tired, overworked complexions and hollowness under the eyes. Carefully placed dermal filler can be used to plump the skin from underneath and restore this area, achieving a rejuvenated, refreshed appearance. In many cases patients should also evaluate their skin care routine and lifestyle as simply tweaks can really help to rejuvenate tired skin.

Non-surgical Rhinoplasty

Also known as a ‘Liquid Nose Job’ this treatment can be used to address a slight bump in the nose, correct asymmetry or add definition. It’s a very popular treatment among both men and women and can even be used to mask the appearance of a previous break in the nose.

PRP Vampire Facial/ Acne Treatment

PRP treatments are popular among men as they can be useful in combatting a range of skin complaints. The procedure involves using the patients’ own blood that is centrifuged and purified before being re-introduced into the body at the point to be treated. The PRP facial, aptly nicknamed the vampire facial, involves microneedling the face to create micro-channels, allowing the absorption of the activated platelets and growth factors. It can also be directly injected under problem areas such as acne, scars and deep wrinkles.

PRP Hair Regeneration

Hair loss is a common result of the natural aging process, particularly for men. That said, it can often be premature or patchy and can sometimes be due to certain illnesses, hormonal changes or medical factors- any of which can often be detrimental to a persons self esteem and confidence. Surgical hair transplants for men have been widely publicised by the media in recent years, with it becoming a popular treatment among celebrities. PRP hair regeneration is a lesser-known alternative for hair regrowth but is an effective solution for hair thinning or patchiness. It works in a similar way to the PRP facial but this time uses the body’s own built-in healing abilities, using activated platelets to stimulate hair regrowth.

With so many options out there for male patients and what can feel like a minefield of cosmetic practises, the important thing for men, as with all patients, is to do their research. Finding a clinic that has the expertise, experience and knowledge to cater for your individual aesthetic expectations and provide honest, trustworthy advice is absolutely paramount.