How Collagen Nourishes Your Body Inside and Out


Collagen is often hailed as the "fountain of youth" in the nutrition and cosmetic industries - and with good reason. From reducing wrinkles to improving gut health, this abundant protein seems to do it all. In this piece, we look more closely at what collagen is, how it works in the body, its possible advantages, and how to acquire enough of it in your diet.

What is collagen?

Collagen is the most prevalent protein in the human body, accounting for a large amount of our skin, bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and even blood vessels. It offers structural strength, elasticity, and stiffness to these tissues, assisting in their integrity and function. In other words, collagen fibres are like the body's scaffolding, giving tissues their structure and resilience.

For this reason, collagen helps with things like maintaining the skin's elasticity and hydration, as well as the health and growth of hair and nails. Hence it being known as a holy grail product for a youthful appearance.

But it doesn’t stop there. Collagen also provides cushioning and support for joints, reducing friction and promoting flexibility. It is also a key component of bone structure, contributing to their strength and density, and is beneficial for gut health by supporting the integrity of the gut lining.

What are the benefits?

The benefits of collagen can be as significant as its role in the body, including (1) the reduction of joint pain and stiffness, (2) the support of bone density and bone health - especially in postmenopausal women, and (3) the promotion of digestive health by supporting the gut lining.

Many people turn to collagen supplements to (4) reduce wrinkles, (5) increase skin hydration, and (6) promote a more youthful appearance. According to some studies, collagen may even (7) enhance the growth and strength of hair and nails.

How do I get more collagen in my diet?

Certain foods are natural sources of collagen, including bone broth, chicken skin, and fish skin. Consuming these can provide a dietary boost of collagen.

Consuming foods like eggs, dairy, lean meats, and fish that provide the amino acids that collagen is composed from can also support collagen production in the body - as can consuming dark leafy greens like spinach and kale contain nutrients like vitamin C and copper, which are crucial for collagen formation.

Vitamin C is also essential for collagen synthesis. Citrus fruits, berries, and vegetables like bell peppers are excellent sources of this important nutrient. Moreover, antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables protect collagen from damage caused by free radicals. Blueberries, cherries, and green tea are great choices for this.

If you’re looking for an extra collagen boost, supplements are available in various forms, such as collagen peptides or hydrolysed collagen. They are easy to incorporate into your daily routine in pill or powder form, which can be mixed into beverages or recipes.

Going one step further, collagen bars are also a popular snack choice for those seeking a convenient and nutritious option. The Love Life Supplements’ Keto Collagen Chocolate Brownie Bar, for example, offers a nutritious and flavourful choice for those seeking to incorporate more collagen into their diet. Made with Bovine Collagen Peptides, it’s a convenient option for those following low-carb, high-fat, or keto diets. And with 13g of protein and 15g of fibre, it will keep you full whether you use it as an on-the-go breakfast, a post-workout snack, or a sweet treat.

The bottom line

Collagen is a fundamental protein with a wide range of benefits for your body, inside and out. Whether you're looking to enhance your skin's radiance, support joint health, or strengthen your bones, collagen should be your go-to. By incorporating collagen-rich foods or supplements along with a well-rounded diet, you can enjoy the advantages of this remarkable protein and help maintain your vitality and well-being for years to come.