What do Your Pores Need? Understanding the Difference Between Pore Issues


Pores are an essential part of our skin, they are with us through thick and thin - whether your skin is aging or going through acne, but despite this, we often don’t give our pores enough attention. Our pores help our skin to breathe and regulate body temperature, but they can also be a source of frustration when they become enlarged, clogged or visible. But how can you tell apart the different reasons your pores might need TLC and what’s the best way to solve pore issues? We’re breaking it down with Benefit who are changing the game with their new POREfessional launches.

Enlarged Pores

The size of our pores is mostly determined by genetics, but environmental factors, such as sun damage and aging, can cause them to become enlarged. Enlarged pores are more noticeable, and they can make your skin look rough and uneven.

To minimize the look of your pores, you can start by incorporating products that contain niacinamide and salicylic acid. Niacinamide is a form of vitamin B3 that helps to regulate sebum production and improve skin texture. Salicylic acid is a beta-hydroxy acid that can penetrate deep into the pores and exfoliate dead skin cells and unclog them.

Another way to minimize the look of your pores is to keep your skin clean. You can use a gentle cleanser twice a day to remove dirt, oil, and makeup. Make sure to also use a toner to help balance your skin's pH and tighten your pores.

Lastly, wearing sunscreen daily can also help minimize the look of your pores. Sun damage can cause your skin to become thicker and more prone to enlarged pores, so protecting your skin from the sun's harmful rays can help prevent this.

Clogged Pores

Clogged pores are a common skin concern, especially for those with oily skin. When the pores become clogged with dirt, oil, and dead skin cells, it can lead to acne and other skin blemishes.

The foundation to unclogging your pores is to use a cleanser that works with your skin, not against it like the Benefit Unblocked Oil Cleanser. To clear your pores, you can start by incorporating a gentle exfoliator into your skincare routine. Exfoliating can help remove dead skin cells and unclog your pores. You can use a physical exfoliant, such as a scrub, or a chemical exfoliant, such as an alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) or beta-hydroxy acid (BHA).

Another way to clear your pores is to use a clay mask, (hint! check out the Benefit Deep Retreat Mask). Clay masks can help absorb excess oil and draw out impurities from the skin. It's important to avoid using harsh products that can strip your skin of its natural oils. When your skin is stripped, it can lead to an overproduction of oil, which can clog your pores even more.

Smoothing Your Pores

Smooth skin is something we all strive for, and pores can be a hindrance to achieving this goal. When our pores become clogged or enlarged, it can make our skin look rough and uneven.

To smooth your pores, you can start by incorporating a retinoid into your skincare routine. Retinoids are a form of vitamin A that can help improve skin texture and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. They can also help unclog your pores and reduce their size.

Another way to smooth your pores is to use a facial oil. Facial oils can help hydrate your skin and improve its texture. They can also help regulate sebum production, which can help prevent clogged pores.

Whatever your pore journey, remember to always be gentle with your skin and avoid harsh products taht can aggravate your skin issues.