Top Tips for Freelancers to Stay Safe & Stay Social


Many beauty therapists and stylists may find it hard to navigate social media right now. However, maintaining a strong social presence can be extremely important in sustaining a secure relationship with your clients. That’s why the Indola team have created a guide to their top tips to help you stay connected to your community while staying safe during this unprecedented time.

1) Create content that your followers will love

Just because you can’t see your clients, it doesn’t mean that you can’t help them. Think about the expertise and advice you can provide; Product advice, online consultations, live Q&A’s for topics like disguising roots or blow-drying at home.

2) Share your plans for when you re-open

You may not be able to give your clients a date for when you reopen however your clients will be wondering if you’ll be creating a waiting list or booking in missed appointments first. There may be a lot of uncertainty but making your plans clear will get you one step ahead and shows your clients that you’re organised and ready to get going again.

3) Share your inspiration

Where do you find your inspiration? Do you have a Pinterest board? Launch one and save ideas to share with your clients. Or even ask your clients to share their own hair inspiration with you and strike up a conversation about what you’re going to do at their next appointment.

4) Engage with your followers in a personal way

To many of your clients you won’t just be their hairdresser, so let them know what you’re up to. Have you learnt a new skill? Re-decorated? Tried a new recipe? Don’t be afraid to bring in the kids or pets as staying connected with your community can really help them to feel close to you.

5) Free Makeover to a Key Worker

Give back to your community and ask your clients to nominate a key worker to be in with the chance of winning a free makeover. Not only are you giving back but you’re helping to bring people to your social channel therefore promoting your business.

6) Be yourself, be relatable and be realistic

It’s a difficult time for everyone right now, so be personal, present and honest. Don’t forget to keep checking in with your community; We’re stronger together.