How to Find Out If You Have Curly Hair


Ever wondered whether you’re naturally a curly haired girl? Understanding your curl pattern has become a hot topic, and for good reason – knowing your hair inside out allows you to unlock its full potential. Thanks to Bouclème's founder and curl specialist, Michele Scott-Lynch, discovering your curl type has never been easier. Dive into her comprehensive 4-step guide below and embrace the journey to understanding your curls!

Step 1 – Curl Type:

Identifying your curl type is much easier when you let your hair air-dry from its soaking wet state. Wet and clean hair resets your curls to their natural form. If you notice kinks or frizz as your hair dries, you likely have a natural wave or curls.

Step 2 – Texture:

Now, examine your hair's texture – this is the thickness of each strand. Take a single hair between your finger and thumb. If it's barely noticeable and translucent when held up to the light, it may be fine in texture. Robust, strong, or even wiry strands indicate thick or coarse hair. Somewhat flexible and reasonably strong strands suggest medium-textured hair. Don't be surprised if you have multiple curly hair types and textures; just like combination skin, it's the same with hair!

Step 3 – Density:

Hair density refers to the actual number of curly strands on your head and how closely they're packed, not how thick your hair is. Enter the scalp test – start with dry, loose hair. In the mirror, can you see your scalp without moving your hair? If yes, you may have low-density hair. If you can see your scalp with a little effort, you likely have medium-dense hair. If your scalp is entirely hidden, you have highly dense hair. 

Step 4 – Porosity:

When it comes to hair porosity, determining your hair's ability to absorb and retain moisture, depends on the health of your hair’s cuticle – the outer layer protecting your hair. Grasp a hair strand and slide the thumb and index finger of your other hand from end to root. If your fingers 'catch' going up, your hair is overly porous. If they glide smoothly, you have normal porosity. If they zip up super-quick, you have low porosity. Typically if your hair loses moisture quickly, is chemically treated or coloured, it is likely to be porous.