How Infrared Boosts Your Pilates Experience


Infrared heat is making waves in the wellness scene, and for good reason. It's not just for saunas anymore – now, you can experience its benefits while getting your pilates on at Heartcore. But what exactly is infrared, and why should you care?

Infrared heat works by penetrating deep into your body, warming you up from the inside out. This gentle heat not only gets your blood pumping but also helps improve circulation, which means faster muscle recovery and less pain after your workout. Plus, it can boost your mood. A review in JAMA Psychiatry found that exposure to infrared radiation enhances dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin production in the brain, correlating to an uplift in mood and better sleep.

Further scientific studies have delved into the physiological responses to infrared heat, shedding light on the mechanisms behind its touted benefits. Research, such as a study published in the Biol Sport journal, highlights the impact of infrared therapy on increasing local blood circulation and reducing muscle soreness after exercise. This aligns perfectly with the experience at Heartcore, where the combination of pilates movements and infrared heat fosters improved circulation, leading to faster recovery and reduced post-workout discomfort.

But that's not all. Infrared heat also stimulates the release of nitric oxide, which further improves circulation and aids in muscle repair by delivering more oxygen and nutrients to your tissues. This process reduces inflammation and relaxes your muscles, making it easier for you to move and explore deeper postures during your Pilates session.

And let's not forget about the detoxifying benefits of infrared heat. As you sweat it out, your body rids itself of harmful toxins like heavy metals and environmental pollutants. This not only strengthens your immune and digestive systems but can also rev up your metabolism.

Heartcore's innovative approach to integrating infrared heat into Pilates classes maximises these scientifically backed benefits. Their mat classes - Strength, Cardio and Flow - provide a unique opportunity to experience the synergistic effects of movement and infrared heat, resulting in a holistic and rejuvenating workout experience.

So, if you're looking to enhance your pilates practice and reap the rewards of infrared heat, why not give Heartcore a try? Their classes combine movement with gentle infrared heat, giving you a full-body workout that's not only effective but also incredibly rejuvenating. Your body will thank you for it.